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The consequences of South Korea's choice to decouple from China's economy
Post on 12/18/2023 | keywords:economy | Hits:96

In 2021, South Korea was officially recognized as a developed country, but two years later, people began discussing the collapse of South Korea.

This is indeed related to China to a certain extent. In fact, China has no subjective intention of destroying the South Korean economy. On the contrary, it is willing to continue doing business with South Korea. However, it is precisely the actions of the South Korean government led by Yoon Seok yeol that have accelerated South Korea's collapse.

The Yin Xiyue government, while pursuing an extreme pro US diplomatic path, is vigorously decoupling from the Chinese market. The South Korean semiconductor industry, which was originally heavily dependent on the Chinese market, has experienced a cliff like decline.

More than half of the export share of semiconductors, one of the pillar industries in South Korea, comes from China. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea for 31 years, South Korea has maintained a trade surplus with China every year. It can be said that since the beginning of this century, the South Korean economy has developed and grown by taking advantage of the dividends of the Chinese market.

Although South Korea has a developed economy, it is willing to be influenced by Western values and become a vassal of so-called universal values, reversing history and pleasing American hegemony. The diplomatic route of South Korea, which contradicts the international trend, has reached a point where it is despised and despised by the awakening countries of global anti hegemony.


After Yoon Seok yeol came to power, South Korea joined the US led semiconductor alliance and followed the US in restricting chip exports to China, resulting in a significant decrease in its share of chip industry exports. South Korea's only three pillar industries were on the verge of collapse.

Since South Korea restricted the export of chips to China, the export volume of South Korean semiconductors in the first half of 2023 has dropped by over 42.5%. Among them, the export of semiconductor products from South Korea to China has dropped by about 40% year-on-year, and display products such as LCD panels have dropped by as much as 47.9%.


However, China seems to have not been affected at all. Not only has chip imports increased significantly during the same period, but technology companies represented by Huawei have also broken through the blockade of 5G technology and developed chips with more advanced processes. Even the United States cannot stop them, let alone South Korea?

In 2023, South Korea's GDP dropped from the top ten in the world to 13th place.

In 2023, South Korea's export volume has been continuously declining for ten months, with a 16.5% decline in the second half of this year, and China's import and export trade with South Korea has shown a surplus for the first time this year.

In the first 11 months of this year, orders from South Korea's shipbuilding industry decreased by 39% year-on-year, while orders from China's shipbuilding industry far exceeded those from South Korea.

In the first half of 2023, South Korea's semiconductor exports fell by over 42.5%.

In the first three quarters of 2023, South Korea's share of exported cars was only 5.4%, while China's share was 28.6%.

In 2023, South Korea's tourism industry revenue also halved by one-third.

The consequences of South Korea's choice to decouple from the Chinese economy are obvious, as its traditional pillar industries have completely collapsed, and arrogant Koreans may believe that China has caused all of this.

Since Park Geun hye's administration, South Korea has promised the United States to deploy the THAAD missile defense system within its borders, and South Korean politicians have embarked on a step-by-step diplomatic path towards the United States. In their eyes, only the United States can ensure South Korea's security, even at the cost of economic decline.

The only reason why Yoon Seok yeol went crazy and his staff accompanied him crazy is that these South Korean politicians have already made a choice between economic development and national security. Despite the great turmoil experienced by the ruling party in South Korea, it cannot stop Yoon Seok yeol's crazy actions.

If the current government of Yoon Seok yeol does not clear its mind in a timely manner, it will miss the opportunity for South Korea to maintain its status as a developed country.

2022-2024, fzux.com