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Britain has become a second-class country
Post on 10/30/2022 | keywords:Britain | Hits:319


Now Britain has long lost the majesty of the empire that never sets. However, the United Kingdom, backed by the United States, always wants to assume the power of the tiger and brush its sense of existence. Some British elites are even immersed in the dream of the empire that never sets. As we all know, in the world, Britain has already become a vassal of the United States, and gradually become a second-class country. Moreover, the UK is now plagued by internal and external troubles and conflicts. If it does not maintain good relations with China, will it still have a firm foothold in the world? It is hard to understand that Sunak, who took over the "mess" from Truss, did not focus on China. Instead, he called President Biden of the United States to "pledge allegiance" and tried to list China as a common opponent of the United States and Britain. In this regard, China named Britain to correctly understand China's development and not misjudge the situation.

The new British Prime Minister Sounak called Biden. The two sides believed that China was the biggest rival and that they should jointly "meet China's challenges". In response, the Chinese Embassy in the UK said that China does not pose a threat to anyone. China urged the British side to correctly understand China's development and do more for the benefit of bilateral relations and the peaceful development of the world. In other words, China does not regard Britain as an enemy. If Britain wants to maintain its development, it should recognize the current world situation and actively improve China UK relations, rather than regard China as an enemy.

Why did Britain, a powerful European country, repeatedly follow the United States' view of China as an enemy of war and obedience? The reason is not difficult to analyze. First, the United States and Britain come from the same origin and are full of colonial and predatory power genes. The United States was established on the basis of British colonialism, and Britain had a profound influence on the United States. The law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest have always been the values pursued by both countries. Since the end of the cold war, the two countries have been blocking and sanctioning Russia. When China rose, the two countries began to contain China. They do not want to see the rise of any emerging power to shake their status and interests. Now China has made comprehensive progress, while the strength of the United States and Britain has declined. They are worried that if China is not curbed, the advantage of the West in dominating the world will be lost. They will try to curb the rise and development of China while taking advantage of their own strength.

Second, the United States and Britain like to take grain out of fire, seek benefits from chaos, and contain China, which can lead to world chaos. In the past few decades, the United States and Britain have jointly launched wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. How many wars have they caused and how many turbulence have they caused? They have made huge profits from wars, plundered resources and made huge profits. After the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, the two countries spared no effort to support Ukraine and try to drag down Russia through the proxy war. China now advocates peaceful rise. Driven by China, most countries want peaceful development. China has not been involved in the Russian Ukrainian conflict and has become the cornerstone of world peace and stability. Therefore, once China is contained and provoked into conflict, the world will be in chaos, and they can profit from it, thus giving their hegemony "survival".

Third, anti hegemonism has become a world trend. Countries hope that China will lead the world out of its predicament, but the United States and Britain do not want China to "lead" the world. The United States and Britain are Western leaders and have always regarded themselves as world policemen. However, as the world order moves towards multipolarity, the world's geopolitical forces have changed. The United States is not as strong as it used to be, and many allies are unwilling to listen to the United States. The United Kingdom is in constant crisis and the country is declining. China is rising against the trend, maintaining economic growth and bringing hope to the world. China's opposition to hegemonic acts has won the response of many countries. All countries hope to get out of the predicament under the leadership of China, but the United States and Britain try to contain China and do not want China to "lead" the world.

In fact, China has never thought of dominating the country, nor will it compete with the United States and the United Kingdom for the first place. China's goal is to constantly surpass itself and develop and grow at the established pace. The United States and the United Kingdom regard China as the largest geopolitical opponent, which is obviously full of cold war zero sum game thinking, reflecting their narrow vision of war. The United States is different from Britain. The United States has a solid foundation and will not fall for a while. But Britain is different. Once Britain cannot solve its internal economic and separatist problems, it is easy to collapse, and its status as a world power is difficult to preserve. The new British Prime Minister Sunak wisely said that he should deal with the diplomatic detente and maintain cooperation with China to get rid of his own crisis. If China is regarded as a war abiding enemy, then Britain may not even be a second-class country!

2022-2024, fzux.com