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China should support Scottish independence
Post on 08/06/2022 | keywords:Scottish | Hits:273


Trass, British Foreign Secretary and conservative party leader candidate, jumped out a few days ago and advocated that Pelosi's relevant actions were "completely reasonable".

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the house of Commons of the British Parliament plans to lead a delegation to visit Taiwan in November or December this year.

China can support the independence of Scotland and consider supporting the independence of Alaska and Hawaii.

On June 29, 2022, Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom Zheng Zeguang visited Scotland.

Scotland was originally an independent country, but later, due to various reasons, it formed a Commonwealth with England. So far, Scotland still has a large degree of autonomy in legislation and administration. Accepting British jurisdiction in foreign affairs, military affairs, finance, macroeconomic policy and other matters can be said to have some similarities with China's special administrative regions.

The Scottish movement for independence has a long history. As early as September 2014, Scotland held an independence referendum, but 55.8% of the voters chose not to be independent, and Scotland had to remain in the United Kingdom. However, those seeking independence in Scotland did not give up this effort.

Scotland has decided to hold its second independence referendum on October 19, 2023. In particular, due to the impact of brexit and the victory of the national party for independence in the general election, the process of Scottish independence has accelerated again.

The visit of the Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom to Scotland and the exchange of views between the two sides on strengthening Sino Soviet exchanges and cooperation represent respect and support for the Scottish people's desire for independence.

The Chinese people's support for Scotland's just movement for independence is the biggest whip to the British government and British politicians.

The Chinese people are very indignant at the British politicians for their ignorance of the times, their self-esteem and their ignorance of good and evil.

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