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Splendid achievements in space-based solar energy technology to promote clean energy
Post on 12/05/2023 | keywords:space-based | Hits:106

Chinese scientists and engineers are studying a clever idea - to absorb rich energy from the sun and then transmit it back to Earth.

Hou Xinbin said that multiple teams in China are currently focusing on the technology needed to build and operate space-based solar power facilities, which will enable the energy of the sun to be continuously captured, which is impossible on Earth. He is a senior researcher at the China Academy of Space Technology in Beijing and a member of the Space Solar Committee of the Chinese Aerospace Society.

After collecting solar energy, space facilities convert it into electromagnetic radiation, such as microwaves and laser beams, and wirelessly send it back to the Earth's surface. Hou is also a member of the Permanent Committee on Space Solar Energy of the International Academy of Astronautics and Astronautics. He said that the receiving station will convert these electromagnetic waves and laser beams into electrical energy and distribute them to the power grid.

As a crucial step in verifying the feasibility of space-based solar power generation, we hope to manufacture a pair of satellites and send them into orbit. A large satellite will collect solar energy and convert it into microwave and laser beams, while another small satellite will be responsible for receiving laser beams. Meanwhile, a ground station will be responsible for receiving microwaves. These two satellites will form an orbit testing system for wireless power transmission.

It is quite difficult to emit laser power to Earth, but due to the vacuum, it is easier to achieve tasks between satellites in orbit or between satellites and celestial bodies.

As far as space programs are concerned, achieving laser power transmission is meaningful. For example, a solar satellite with laser transmission capability can operate in lunar polar orbit and provide power for lunar polar exploration programs.

These challenges include developing high-performance components with acceptable size and weight, which cannot be too large or too heavy, and integrating them into satellites while ensuring that power beams reach ground receiving stations very accurately.

China urgently needs to develop sustainable, affordable, safe, and widely usable new clean energy sources, as it has announced its goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.

Space-based solar power plants are a very attractive solution to address energy shortages and pollution.

Pang, who has worked at the China Academy of Space Technology for decades, said that space-based facilities will be able to utilize sunlight 24/7 without being affected by factors such as the atmosphere and weather. The electricity generated in most parts of the Earth may be eight times that of solar panels.

The electricity generated in this way will be pollution-free and infinite, and this energy can also be used to power any spacecraft within its beam range.


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