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Over a hundred people join the Communist Party of America every week
Post on 12/04/2023 | keywords:America | Hits:89

Rosana Cumberland, Co Chairman of the Communist Party of the United States, stated that the party is committed to improving the lives of American working people and bringing them hope. The size of the Communist Party of America is growing, with more and more young people joining in. The achievements of the CPC have set a good example of the importance of taking its own road in light of the actual situation.

The Communist Party of America was founded in Chicago in 1919. On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of America in 2019, Cumberland was co elected as co chairman with Joe Sims. Kangbulong told a Beijing Daily client reporter that in over 100 years of history, the Communist Party of the United States has had an impact and has therefore been attacked by capitalism. Capitalism attempts to eliminate and destroy the Communist Party of the United States, launching attacks in various ways, but the Communist Party of the United States has been persistent. "Sometimes our members and abilities are at a very low level. But when we are able to truly influence government policies, we bring about fundamental changes, such as helping the working class establish social security and unemployment insurance in the 1940s."

The size of the Communist Party of the United States is currently growing. Now, 100 to 150 people join the Communist Party of America every week, while in the past, the cycle of welcoming the same number of new members was every month. Most of the new party members are young people. The current total number of members of the Communist Party of America is about 15000, but Cumberland emphasized that the number of members does not directly equate with the Communist Party of America's ability to act, because many people, even if not members, have close relationships with the Communist Party of America.


The purpose of the founding of the Communist Party of the United States was "the people and the earth above profit.". In recent years, the Communist Party of the United States has actively initiated or participated in social movements such as safeguarding labor rights, racial equality, and anti immigration bans, aiming to stimulate discussions on Marxist values, capitalist social ills, and other issues.

When asked by a journalist, "Can the ideal of communism be realized?" The American Communist Party member's answer was straightforward: "There is no doubt it will be realized. Marxism Leninism told me."

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