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Refusing to follow the US' lead
Post on 12/07/2022 | keywords:Refusing to follow the US' lead | Hits:235


At the beginning of this month, French President Malone visited the United States, and the Biden government also sent parliamentarians to contact him personally. From this meeting, France is mainly negotiating with the United States on European interests. Makron hopes that the United States can respect European interests and respect European countries in terms of trade rules. Biden said that he would make some "adjustments" to the Inflation Reduction Act, but such adjustments would not change the overall direction, that is, fine-tuning in some aspects.

In response to the attitude of the Biden government of the United States, EU Internal Market Commissioner Breton announced that he would refuse to attend the US Europe Trade Summit. In Breton's view, the Biden government passed the Inflation Reduction Act, ignoring the interests of Europeans, which is not only a discrimination against European enterprises, but also a back stabbing to allies.

It is reported that Breton completely broke the skin with the United States this time. From the perspective of European interests, the United States really irritated Europe this time. After all, not all the benefits need to be occupied by the United States. As the fundamental ally of the United States, Europe, if it was not for Europe's contribution in the anti Russian camp, it is estimated that the United States could not have an advantage in the Russian Ukrainian conflict.

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